Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Top Block free essay sample

My mother instructed me to think about this activity as a structure square to something better. It’s not my optimal occupation, yet soon, perhaps, I can work elsewhere. As I pulled up to the three story, lodging looking structure, I couldn’t help yet notice the color†dark. A terrible dark, an exhausting dim. How discouraging. Serving food to elderly individuals in this dim structure was not something that looked or sounded agreeable. Be that as it may, I wasn’t in a situation to decrease. I felt like the shade of the structure. I was moderate, and my inquiries were disturbing. I realized I could improve, yet for reasons unknown I wasn’t. My mother revealed to me it requires some investment to learn new things, however I didn’t need to take the time. I needed to be in the same class as every other person working there. I didn’t need to be moderate and cumbersome. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Top Block or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In any case, I surmise my mother knew best, since I accelerated and I became more acquainted with the individuals I served. They weren’t simply elderly individuals any longer. They became Mary structure the second floor who likes two cups of ice at each feast, so she can take them to her room. What's more, Sy who, when restless, taps his glass with his fork. What's more, Dottie, who makes her fabulous passage ten minutes late to each dinner, and is consistently the last one to leave. I took in their idiosyncrasies and their characters, and out of nowhere, the activity wasn’t so awful. I didn’t notice the dark any longer. Furthermore, I began to understand this was the perfect employment, and there weren’t any longer structure squares. This activity was the structure blockâ€the top square. Obviously, working in a nursing home has its drawbacks. Now and then, somebody will vanish from the lounge area, and their vacant seat helps us to remember the dark once more. In any case, others have their spot and it gets ordinary, and the dark again subsides. Following seven months of working here, I’m still the equivalent somehow or another. I’m still that ungainly server who drops flatware and the periodic plate. In any case, my viewpoint is unique. I attempt to not see the dark throughout everyday life, and when I do, I don’t harp on it. Since the dark will in the end disappear. What's more, for what reason does Mary take the ice up to her room? We’ll its been eight months I still don’t know.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hades vs. Demons :: Ancient Greece Greek History

Hades versus Devils Greek Mythology and Religion Folklore is the examination and clarification of fantasy of a specific culture. Fantasy, is a social wonder that can have a wide range of purpose of perspectives. Folklore and religion in the past still impact today. It is hard to envision that old legend and history has had a gigantic effect in the present culture as well as in way of life and strict convictions. To some broaden, individuals rather accept that there is no outcome in your wrongdoings in existence in the wake of death. Mythic stories, for instance, show how the world started, how people and creatures were made, and how certain habits, and explicit human exercises began. Antiquated Greek religion has been the standard of examination and research from exemplary occasions to the present day. In Greek folklore, Hades, otherwise called Pluto, is the god and leader of the black market, which is the realm of the dead. He is a self absorbed god, who is extraordinarily worried about extending his general public. Frequently Hades is seriously mindful and particular on allowing any of his kin to leave. It's verifiable that even the administrator of the black market had experienced passionate feelings for Persephone. Despite the fact that the connection among Hades and Persephone seems to have set up severely, their association was serene. For most, life in the black market was not pleasant. It's increasingly similar to a tormented and hopeless dream, loaded with shadows, without daylight or expectation, a dismal spot where the dead gradually blur into nonexistence. It's a domain for the heathens as well as for the holy people. At the point when we discuss devils we immediatelymagine of a red malevolence soul with an all-inclusive pointy tail. Be that as it may, a considerable lot of us ask ourselves, Demons? Where and how did devils occur? The word devil is gotten from the Greek daimon, which in antiquated occasions implied different sorts of spirits or semi-divine beings, which especially weren't detestable. The expression evil spirits was not generally comprehended to have the completely negative sign that it does today. Our present utilization of the expression Devil is a threatening soul, which generally from the New Testament. Anyway there is as yet incredible uncertainty concerning whether evil spirits are viewed as unmistakable and separate from the demon and his fallen holy messengers. It is referenced in the New Testament, section 5, stanza 12, by Josepheus a strategy for expulsion which is recommended by Solomon. Won or succeeded incredibly among them down to right now .

Friday, August 21, 2020

International Management Ethics and Values Assignment

Universal Management Ethics and Values - Assignment Example >>>> answer each question with AT LEAST one section 1. What is the distinction between spellbinding morals and regularizing morals? What job do values play in every one of these two ways to deal with morals? Give guides to delineate your focuses. Insights: characterize expressive morals and regularizing morals? The significance (assume significant job in the moral dynamic) and the distinction! Give a few models. Graphic morals is established on the conviction that people are ‘hard-wired’ to be childish. That is, they are generally caught up in satisfying their own wants and objectives. The entrepreneur economy is a genuine case of this sense in people, whereby, ‘greed is good’ is an acknowledged mantra for business companies and people the same. Clear morals advances a self image driven dynamic model, whereby, an individual is ethically qualified for seek after his own bliss through autonomous activity. Social relativism is another term coupled t o engaging morals. This way of thinking battles that what is correct or wrong is explicit to the specific social milieu. Regulating morals, then again, adopts a progressively instructive strategy to human activity in that it recommends ‘what’ is ethically directly through discerning thought. ... 2. Practically speaking, what can be said for and against utilitarianism, or an outcomes based way to deal with morals? [Class 2a address file] Hints: characterize utilitarianism (act and job) points of interest and burdens, characterize results-based methodology! The utilitarian totem is ‘greatest bliss for the best number of people’. This goal for the assessment of morals is extremely engaging instinctively. It is likewise politically reliable with standards of vote based system. In any case, the issues with Utilitarianism crop up because of subjective elements. For instance, what precisely does ‘happiness’ mean? Also, are the qualities and conditions that make satisfaction all around the equivalent? Much further, for what reason should bliss or joy or utility be the authority of ethical quality? For sure, the reason for moral request isn't so much bliss however equity. Under utilitarian morals, the finishes consistently legitimize the methods. In any case , to the degree that the methods include human activity and consent, regularizing moral assessment becomes possibly the most important factor. Along these lines, pragmatic issues, for example, this have given Utilitarianism the tag of being an optimistic or idealistic moral framework. 3. By and by, what can be said for and against deontology, or moral speculations of the right? [Class 3a address file] Hints: characterize deontology, favorable circumstances and disservices, characterize the hypothesis of right! Deontology is a sharp difference to Utilitarianism, in that activities are regarded right or wrong not through their results. In the opposite, those activities that are viewed as obligations, including commitments, duties and responsibilities are esteemed as good. Deontological morals adjusts to the commands of significant religions of the world, including Christianity. Hence, the hypothesis has drawn analysis. It is anything but difficult to perceive how

Friday, June 12, 2020

Money Laundering Case Study

In contrast to the system practiced by traditional universities, MBA business school offers a relatively new form of learning, case studies. A case study is a training system based on the analysis, decision, and discussion of specific situations, both simulated and real. A case study is considered one of the best techniques for the development of analytical and critical thinking, and creativity. The money laundering case study provides an example of a specific situation on the issue of the financial cheating of an imaginary company. In October 2016, Clarck Holding Company was fined for $200 million by the United States for money laundering and other illegal financial operations. CHC was under close supervision after receiving two warnings and calls to improve company’s anti-money laundering department between 2011 and 2015 but still was caught on not making any real improvements. The $200 million bill, given in accordance with the Bank Secrecy Act, was canceled after a report and the subsequent investigation that revealed the company’s offshore accounts for the criminal organizations and suspected massive drug distributors in Atlanta. Finally, CHC financial administration admitted laundering of only $107 million dollars. During the period between 2012 and 2016, CHC violated a few important aspects of the BSA: money laundering prohibition was ignored during the certain operations with Central American companies, so compliance issues at CHC were overlooked, and the anti-money laundering program provided by BSA was not implemented. During the legal process in this case, the Court noted four important CHC weak points: CHC ignored the need for the timely legal expertise of CHC International Affairs; CHC did not adequately monitor over $168 billion of transactions between 2011 and 2015 from partners in regions classified as â€Å"standard† or â€Å"medium† risk; CHC monitored billions of US dollars investments in banknote purchases with the significant inaccuracy; CHC did not provide proper human and material resources needed to carry out an effective anti-money laundering program. The biggest fine that consists of $200 million in sequestration and $65 million in civil penalties allows CHC to slow down the criminal prosecution temporarily by asking for a probation period of developing effective anti-money laundering standards. The probation period is a three to five-year contract with the U.S. Department of Justice that includes an independent monitoring of CHC’s internal anti-money laundering programs, juridical supervision of the company’s top managers, and cancellation of bonuses for all the current and former executives who partly or fully participated in the corporative violation of the U.S. laws. The commitments assumed by the company as an alternative to fines and criminal penalties significantly influenced the Department of Justice decision not to pursue the prosecution of CHC’s executives and corporate accounts. The practice revealed that the criminal prosecution is not the best decision, as the deferred prosecution agreement allows the company to pay the fine instead of obtaining the new debts and having a risk of bankrupting. The DOJ reasons its decision saying that the $300 million fine and the probation period is unlikely to cause the future misconduct. What is more, the long-term consequences of such agreement are most likely to give more benefits than the immediate utility. However, in such a way the DOJ does not execute its direct duty to pursue the punishment for those who break the US law. From a certain point of view, the Deferred Prosecution Agreement follows the direct interests of a State but its long-term effects may significantly worsen the overall si tuation in the legal and financial sectors of the country.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Northern Ireland s Funeral Traditions - 1669 Words

Northern Ireland’s Funeral Traditions in Literature One of the most telling parts of a society is how they handle the traditions that surround one of the hardest things that humans experience: death. Northern Ireland is a prime example of how a group of people can build up a set of traditions that help the morning process and how those traditions can be a healing experience that helps a family and community celebrate the life of the deceased. Washing and preparing the body is an important part of the process that has been mentioned in several works of poetry. The traditional Irish Wake is also extremely important in celebrating the life of the dead and all they accomplished, complete with drinking and laughter and being with family and†¦show more content†¦He describes it as, â€Å"They had been laid out/ in tainted rooms,/ their eyelids glistening,/ their dough-white hands/ shackled in rosary beads.† Through this depiction of the dead we can see the preparatio n that went into the body, it had been washed and laid out in a very traditional way, the way hat it had been done for centuries. This sense of tradition can, in a lot of ways, help ease some of the pain from the loss, the sense of belonging to a community of people with a set of traditions that even the dead have a right to. We also see how important the rosary is to the Catholics that this is describing, so important that Heaney mentioned it in his description, symbolizing that the rosary beads and the religion that they belong to still trap the body that they are attached to, even in death. Daniel Hoffheins from UC Davis says in his literary analysis says â€Å"Heaney slyly adds at the end of the second and third stanzas that the corpses’ rosaries act as shackles, fettering their â€Å"obediently sloped† wrists. Such intentional observations echo Heaney’s initial qualifying statement and lace his â€Å"courteous admiration† with a hint of sarcasm, len ding the tableau of the hovering women around the open coffins a bathetic quality, like moths hovering around an open flame.†. Hoffheins makes the same point that their religion and their sympathies make them slaves to the idea of a united Catholic Ireland. Heaney

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Racial Profiling - 1430 Words

Over the last twenty years the issue of racial profiling has become extremely combative with regards to law enforcement practices. A common misconception begins as some people are unaware of what racial profiling actually is. Racial profiling typically deals with incarceration, miss education, and to certain extent slavery. The topic of slavery is relevant in the conversation of racial profiling because like slavery, African Americans have suffered just due their own identity. Profiling is essentially the selection of an individual and categorizing them due to a specific racial group. The ever growing issue of racial profiling has become more evident to the public with the increasing number of instances that have been reported regarding†¦show more content†¦Education is something that carries a majority of the weight. Miss- education unfortunately has been a direct result of education in today’s society. Our public school systems tend to rather than step away from ste reotypes, they tend to have a hand in the process of continuing this mentality. Miss education is a very strong factor when speaking of education. In the majority of public school’s history books are not present. So focusing on African Americans for example, having no access to important historical information makes it so that those individuals learn about themselves through outside sources. These outside sources include the media, the neighborhoods, their peers, their parents, etc. It is believed by many that these portrayals and misguided views on individuals begin with the education system. A system that has so much power and importance to young minds should at times be held to a higher standard. Through research it is believed that the practice of racial profiling began around the 1970s by law enforcement. This was a time at which drug trafficking was impacting the entire world. Law enforcement would do what they could in order to capture these criminals. Profiling is used in policing and has been proven to be a very impacted strategy. There is fine line between profiling and racially profiling which leans more towards stereotyping as well. A profile is essentially a collection of facts that haveShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling1165 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Introduction What is racial profiling? The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) defines racial profiling as â€Å"the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin† (2005). Do not confuse racial profiling with criminal profiling; criminal profiling is usually practiced by police in which they use a group of characteristics that are associated with crime to target individualsRead MoreRacial Profiling And Criminal Profiling Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pages Racial Profiling Vs Criminal Profiling Camilo Paez Briarcliffe College Professor Keirnan 11/13/2016 â€Æ' Executive summary Racial Profiling is a big problem is society. Over time you become biased of certain groups which is good and bad. Criminal profiling helps keep the bad guys off the streets. This maybe be also linked with being racist according to the people stopped by police. As a police officer you never win because no one wants to go to jail. It is very hard to â€Æ' Racial ProfilingRead MoreRacial Profiling1056 Words   |  5 Pages There has always been racial profiling in our history. The problem here is that at some point the ones who are oppressed and discriminated sooner o later will claim why they are treated unequally. There are many examples around the world, but one only has to take a look at how the American society has been designed to realize the great difference between individuals. It was even normal and acceptable to see these differences during the creation of this nation because the ones who supposedly hadRead More Racial Profiling is Necessary1040 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstand racial profiling, it must first be correctly defined. Although different authors use different criteria for the term racial profiling, Merriam-Webster’s definition for the word racial is â€Å"of, relating to, or based on a race (Merriam-Webster, 2006; p.855).† The definition the dictionary puts forth for profiling is â€Å"the act of suspecting or targeting a person solely on the basis of observed char acteristics or behavior (Merriam-Webster, 2006; p.830).† Based on these definitions, racial profilingRead MoreRacial Profiling Is A Problem969 Words   |  4 Pages Racial profiling has been an issue in society for as long as America had a criminal justice system. Racial profiling is a problem because it refers discriminatory practice bye-law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. In 1868, the fourteenth amendment was ratified which states, No state. Shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, would have made racialRead MoreThe Good and Bad of Racial Profiling1250 Words   |  5 Pages It has been said that racial profiling has been used more than once as a way to detain suspects that arouse suspcion according to NAACP. Racial profiling is the suspicion of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or other immutable charateristics rather than evidence based behavior. Eventhough statistics say otherwise racial profiling should not be used as a reasnoable right to detain an individual because it is unlawful, discrinmatory, and ineffective. Even though statisticsRead MoreRacial Profiling And Its Impact On Society1310 Words   |  6 Pageswhich is racial profiling. This issue, where authorities target certain individuals based on their racial characteristics, has never ceased. According to many influential claimsmakers, racial profiling has stained the United States by negatively affecting society and disturbing the certainty of justice. It is unconstitutional and leads to impactful consequences such as deaths, fear, and loss of trust in police officers, demoralization, and dehumanization of stigmatized groups of people. Racial profilingRead MoreRacial Profiling in Different Ways791 Words   |  3 PagesRacial Profiling has been used by law enforcement officials from early 60’s during the civil rights movement. The term â€Å"racial profiling† which was introduced to criticize abusive police practices against people of different race, ethnicity or national origin. One must assess how to understand the practice, and how to keep it distinct from other issues. Racial profiling is defined as â€Å"any police-initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or national origin, rather than the behavior of anRead MoreRacial Profiling And Its Impact On Society1209 Words   |  5 PagesCases of Racial Profiling There are tons of cases of Racial Profiling. Now a days many people are being targeted or attacked by racial profiling. Laws are being passed but not every police officer is following up with it. And because of this more and more people are becoming irritated with the government system. Just because a particular person from a particular race does something wrong, everyone from that race is being discriminated by so-called other races. Racial profiling is gettingRead MoreThe Devastaing Effects of Racial Profiling1064 Words   |  5 Pageswhile driving, shopping or while just walking in a particular neighborhood? Personally I have never been a victim of racial profiling, but I will be 16-years old this summer and able to drive to school, to a friends house or to shop at the mall. I realize that it is a possibility that I could be racially profiled at some point. There have been recent incidents that made racial profiling a very controversial issue. On February 26, 2012 in San ford, Florida, Trayvon Martin, an unarmed, 17-year old African-American

The Road Less Traveled By free essay sample

University of California Prompt: Describe the world you come from- for example, your family, community or school- and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations In Sammamish, soccer moms don’t cart their kids around in minivans; they chauffer in Escalades. Elementary kids text away on expensive cell phones, and teenager’s ears contain the ear buds of their iPhones. Most parents accept drinking and drug usage as part of the â€Å"high school experience† and turn a blind eye when their teen stumbles in at four in the morning. They assume their role as temporary financial providers, cooks, and Laundromats. Sammamish families quintessentially live the American Dream. The privileged lifestyle common to our suburb often detracts from teenager’s potential. The desire to create a better life for themselves, to be the first in the family to earn a degree, or to make a difference in the world rarely exists. We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Less Traveled By or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Unlike the majority of my graduating class, I plan to follow the path expected of me, not because of the people it will please, but because it will provide me with the experience I need to succeed at what I love most. I don’t possess the stereotypical American Dream of a woman, to be a housewife; I want to write. I have to write. My imagination is an object subject to inertia, always in motion and any material I read acts as an applied force often changing the direction of my inspiration, but never decreasing its momentum. Many find motivation through logic; get the job done and all will be well. Others find it through words of others: Jesse Jackson wrote, â€Å"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.† Unlike most, I find motivation when I am inspired to imitate works in which I encounter a world other than my own. For six hundred pages, I can run from assassins while solving complex clues throughout Vatican City, or I can travel back in time to East Egg and stare across the water at a distant light. I can memorize literature and flee from robotic firehouse dogs, or I can take the road less traveled by. The perfectly strung sentences of authors not only of novels, but articles and poetry as well, instigate writing of my own. Their work compels me to increase my vocabulary, perfect my punctuation and organize my undeveloped thoughts. Writers who weave intricate stories, report events impeccably, and touch readers with melodic phrases fascinate me and I aspire to join them. I struggle to compete with countless examples of flawless writing, but the current inadequacy I maintain drives me to improve. The romance of Daisy and Gatsby and the life of Guy Montag are two of many works that inspire me, and I strive to construct a comparable world. I was blessed with a privileged upbringing, but now that the future is mine I know what to do with it, thanks to the authors whose works have provided me with the motivation to pursue a career that allows me to do what I love.